Driver Improvement Tranning (DIT)

The Driver Improvement Program monitors the driving records of all Saskatchewan drivers. The program aims to make Saskatchewan roads safer for everyone by reducing the incidence of high-risk behaviours by motorists.

Impaired driving is one example of high-risk driving, but many motorists endanger the lives of others through behaviours that frequently cause motor vehicle collisions, including speeding, running red lights and stunting.

Under this program, drivers are assigned points every time they are convicted of a traffic offence or have an at-fault collision. Drivers who reach their maximum threshold of points are sent a warning letter to advise that tougher sanctions will follow should their driving record continue to deteriorate.

Drivers who continue their high-risk behaviour face consequences that include fines, driver’s licence re-testing, driver’s licence suspensions of up to six months and completion of a driver improvement training program.

For more information on the Driver Improvement Program.

It is not an option, but a requirement, once SGI has advised you to take the course. It’s a one-on-one learning experience.

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